
I am a spacesuit biomechanics researcher interested in the intersection of fit and performance, as it relates to humans on the ground and as they go into space. I love to explore how computer vision techniques and sensor technology can be used to assess the relationship between fit and performance. In addition, I am also interested in how we can use alternative reality technologies, such as augmented- and virtual-reality, for spacecraft habitat design and mission training.

I am currently a PhD student in the bioastronautics research group, advised by Dr. Allison Anderson under the Ann and H.J. Smead Department of Aerospace Engineering Sciences at the University of Colorado Boulder. My thesis focuses on developing a framework to improve the fit and mobility of spacesuits by utilizing dynamic body-shape modeling. I am specifically focusing on developing extra-vehicular activity boots with improved dynamic fit through the gait cycle by implementing dynamic foot-shape modeling.

In my free time, I enjoy watching Formula 1, riding my motorcycle, racing virtually, enjoying a hike, or cooking a new meal.